Our dear friends, the McMurrays, asked me to do some family pictures for them a couple weeks ago. The McMurrays are by far one of my all-time favorite families on the planet!! Check out their blog by
clicking here.
Darcy was a bridesmaid in my wedding and has coached me in volleyball since I was 12. We were able to both coach together at Whitworth the last couple years, which was a blast! Aaron was the officiant in our wedding, and their twin boys, Keagan and Kinkade were our ring bearers. Keagan and Kinkade are also my parents' godsons. Since our wedding, the McMurrays have added two of the cutest little girls EVER to their family, Lucia and Emery.
Did I mention how much I love this family?!
My mom came with me to help out with the photo shoot, and we had so much fun!! They wanted to do their pictures up at Green Bluff, so you might notice a few similar backgrounds to the pictures I did with Nicole and Marc a few weeks ago. This farm is such a great place for pictures, so I totally understood when Darcy wanted to do pictures there!
As you'll see, this is the most beautiful family, and you'll also probably notice that I could NOT choose when it came to picking my favorites to post on the blog... so there may be about 3o pictures posted. Whoops. :)
Starting with the newest edition, Miss Emery Pearl, who is about 7 months old. Emery single-handedly makes me consider wanting to have kids because she is the sweetest, most calm baby I've ever met...
NOTE: You can click on any of these pictures to make them bigger if you want!

I just adore this expression on her face below. It makes me laugh every time I look at it...

Now onto Lucia, who turned 2 in June. Ummmm, the majority of the pictures I took were of Lucia... I told Darcy I was sorry, and she laughed and said she has the same problem. :) You'll see why. Seriously, Lucia might possibly be the CUTEST human being I've ever seen, and she has some serious spunk! I still think she could be a Baby Gap model...

This series of her on the green chair out in the field may be some of my favorite portraits I've taken to date...

The next round of pictures are of sweet, thoughtful Kinkade. I can't believe him and Keagan are almost 7! Time flies!! These two boys are such amazing big brothers! Kinkade was totally into posing for the camera... I think he's been trained well by this point. :)

This picture of Keagan below might be my FAVE out of the whole bunch. Look at those unbelievable green eyes!

Finally, here are some pictures of Darcy and Aaron together! Honestly, could they be any hotter?!
I secretly hope Jordan and I will be this hot someday. :)
Love, love, LOVE this one of them on the fun chairs!

The rest of the pictures are a random mix of the family together in different combinations...

I just had to post this one of the McMurray kids being sassy... so fun!

I have to admit, I was nervous going into this photo shoot because I didn't know if I'd be able to get a decent picture with all 6 of the McMurrays together. It wasn't easy, but I think there are a few keepers! :)
Anybody have any favorites... or ten?! :)