Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our New Baby, Max!

IT'S A BOY! :)

My Mom, my Grandma, and I made the trek over to Seattle on Thursday and came home with the cutest little Cairn Terrier puppy. There were 7 puppies to choose from (which was SO hard), but after holding all of them there was one that was the perfect coloring, so calm and confident compared to the others, and, well, he was the chunker of the group! Seriously, the belly sold me. :) And he just looked like a 'Max' to me, which is what I wanted to name him from the beginning.

Here I am holding him for the first time...

My cousin, Kate, got her dog, Valor, from this same breeder so she thought it would be fun to bring him and show the breeder what he looks like now. He has gotten SO big since I saw him this summer! Kate said Valor started out lighter in color than Max, but you can see how much their coloring changes as they get older. Also, how cool is it that Valor and Max are brothers?! :)

We got him home and Maggie just licked the crap out of him. :) Despite some jealousy issues, she has been amazing with him! He is pretty feisty and tries to play with her, and for the most part she has been so gentle with him. I absolutely CAN'T WAIT until he's big enough for them to wrestle!! We actually took a little video of the first time they saw each other, so I'll try to remember to post that soon.

The first night we brought Max home, he was pooped so we put him in his bed to sleep. I thought Maggie would wake him up, but she just hopped into her bed and put her head right next to him... too cute!

I still can't get over how small he is! He actually turns 6 weeks today, which is pretty young for a puppy. I weighed him yesterday on the scale with me, and he is about 2 pounds... TINY!!! I took this picture when he was sleeping to give you an idea of how small he really is. Once he's full-grown he should be about Maggie's size, but obviously he has a ways to go!

I really feel like we have a newborn baby. Pretty much all he does is eat, sleep, pee, and poop! :) He usually gets a few spurts of energy during the day and will play for about 30 minutes, but then he crashes... such a puppy. He is paper-trained, which helps out a lot since he is not big enough to get through the dog door on his own. We do have to wake up throughout the night with him to put him back in the crate after he goes to the bathroom, so we have not gotten much sleep. But seriously, so worth it... how could you possibly be mad at this face?!??

My cousin Kate and my Aunt Debbie put together a little gift bag for Max when we met them for lunch in Seattle with toys, treats, and Debbie made Max a quilt out of the 'scraps' she had leftover from our wedding quilt she made us -- can you believe that?! Thank you Debbie and Kate!! Talk about a spoiled dog! :)

Anyway, I did a mini photo shoot with Max last night, which started out with him on his quilt, but needless to say, he doesn't stay in the same place for very long when he's awake...

Don't you think he's totally smiling in this one below?! :)

We could not be happier with our new puppy. And that's not just me saying that -- Jordan really loves him too. Even though he's a lot of work, it's so much fun to have a new member of our family.

Come meet him or play with Max anytime... :)

Lastly, I really want to say thank you to my Mom and Grandma Ha for coming all the way to Seattle with me to pick him out! Max loves his Grandma and great-Grandma so much... although he thinks you both should get him a playmate or two! ;)


Emilie said...

He's SO adorable! And, yes, he's totally smiling!

Amy Hook said...

Oh. My. Gosh. He is so cute!!! Makes me want a puppy:)!

Pat and Patty said...

Tell Max he was worth it - I love him! (and Maggie) (and Reece)
Hugs and Licks

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