We are in London! Hallelujah! The trip has been a little rocky so far, but for the most part the negative things have actually turned into positives.
Our first flight out of Seattle was delayed 2 1/2 hours (wish we had known that when we woke up at 4:45 am...) The good news is, the guy who checked our luggage didn't charge us the $75 fee on our overweight bag because the flight was delayed so long. Consequently, we missed our connecting flight in Toronto but were lucky enough to get on standby and made it out the same night. Because our flights were all screwed up (and because Murphy's Law still applies to me even though I changed my last name), our bags didn't make it to London. The good news is that we didn't have to stress about hauling 200 pounds of luggage to our hotel, and so we were able to take the underground tube for £8 rather than pay £60 for a cab.
It's pretty much been a comedy since we've been here. I, being the "more experienced traveler," thought I would impress my husband and take the lead with everything. Yeah... not so much. First of all, I almost was denied entry into the UK when we went through customs because I mentioned that "if I could, I would like to try to work part-time." Apparently, that's a big no-no if you don't have a visa, and I have a warning in my passport because of it. Awesome. Then, I tried to get off at the wrong tube station, and Jordan had to pretty much flail me back through the doors like a two-year-old. Awesome. We eventually made it to our hotel, which is quaint, to put it nicely. :) We take for granted how spacious everything is in America! We were determined to stay awake until at least 6:00 pm so we could try and get on the local time quicker; we were both exhausted, but we set out for some lunch and then to go find a place to live. At this point, I felt like I could fall asleep on the sidewalk and my stomach was doing cartwheels, but we both convinced each other to tough it out! Needless to say, at lunch I ate 3 bites (which is a big problem... I usually eat everything in sight.) We finally found the place to advise us on flats, and I didn't even make it into the meeting because I was throwing up in the bathroom, and might I add, I found the bathroom JUST in time! Awesome, again. Finally, my amazingly patient husband made the call that we were going back to the hotel to sleep... so we slept from 3:30 yesterday afternoon until 7:30 this morning!
Our hotel is a bed & breakfast, so we go down for breakfast this morning, and I, again, could hardly eat (and I LOVE breakfast!) Not three steps out of the breakfast room, and I am running for the nearest bathroom - thank the Lord that "W.C." on the door meant "bathroom" because had it been anything else I would have thrown up all over it. Awesome. So, again, Jordan makes me lay down while he ventured out to get some Sprite and crackers, and then he set off alone to look around our hotel for some flats.
Side note: I have the best husband ever.
This is where it gets good! One of the flat complexes we have been looking at online for the last few months happened to be about 300 steps from our hotel. He came back to tell me and by that point I felt good enough to go check it out with him.
Drumroll... WE FOUND A PLACE! It's tiny, but very safe, in a great area, and all our bills are included in the rent. Not bad! We are moving in tomorrow, and I will definitely post more about it then with pictures, but here is a picture of the outside. It's called Cartwright Gardens.

Pretty cute, huh?! And Jordan is convinced that had I not been sick we would have wandered farther out and probably wouldn't have found it. Another blessing in disguise. :) Although, not to sound too picky, but next time I'd prefer for the blessing not to involve puking.
Thank you for your prayers so far! We have definitely needed them, and felt them be answered. Our adventure begins!
P.S. Our luggage just made it the our hotel! One less thing to worry about. :)
YEAH!!! So glad you guys made it safe and sound and already found a place to live!!! Im sorry you have been feeling so sick... not fun. Can't wait to see pictures of your new place. Jordan... good job taking care of whit! :)
love you guys!!!
PS- told you i would be stalking your blog... and it doesn't help that this is 20 days in a row not working... damn snow days!
Hooray!!! So gald to see you this a.m. on SKYPE :) Love it and so did Maggie. You are right Megan, good job Jordan taking care of Whitney - that was the deal to take care of each other. The place look great - big deal if it's small it sounds like it's worth being close to school, good area etc...so again way to go!!! So sorry to hear you have been sick - Hopefully Jord doesn't get it - rest as best you can, drink lots and hug each other from me.
*sidenote - my baseball players were fabulous...might have to re-think my opinions of them and their attitudes - Happy Jan Term to me :)
Oh and the guess on W.C. is water closet :)
Glad to hear that the two of you found a place and that Jordan is taking the lead as manly men like ourselves do ;) It saddens my heart knowing you are sick Whit, but that will pass and before you know it all your belongings will be in your flat and you will up and running.
I can not believe that you said you were going to try and work at customes... unreal! I told you you'll have to be paid under the table which is not exactly legal.
I will con't to pray for the two of you and hope this finds you well.
Yeah so happy to see a new post! You both are so brave! I am so sorry you have been puking it sucks! Welcome to my life . . . . at least you made it to restrooms not outside of Old Navy on the sidewalk! That place looks so cute. Can't wait to see pics of the inside.
love you!
It's adorable!!! Can't wait to come visit. The Murphy name will always hang over you like the dismal dirt cloud that follows that one Charlie Brown character...do you remember that guy?!?! BAHAAAA! At least we're cute:)
Isn't it funny how God works for the good. Sorry to hear you were so sick Whit. Nothing is worse than 1)jetlag and 2)throwing up in public. I am so glad Jordan was such a good hubby and the new flat looks ADORABLE!! Yeah! I am even more excited to come visit and so thankful it has worked out so far. Love the posts! Great work! Love ya, Ang
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