Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Year Ago Today...

We left the good ol' USA and landed in London...

I can't believe it's 2010 and that our London trip began a year ago today. It really doesn't seem possible that it's been that long. I have a feeling I'll have a lot of "a year ago today" moments this year. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing?

I have been pretty absent from the blog the last couple months. My pictures are here, but I haven't been. As much as I hate this lame, five-word sentence, it's really true: I have been so busy. Actually, scratch that, WE have been so busy. Here's a quick re-cap of the last couple months:

  • Raising a crazy puppy! I almost made the title of this post "Pee and Poop" because I keep telling everyone that our life consists of those two things. :) I swear that the majority of Jordan and my conversations in the last month have revolved around Max and his pee and poop... clearly the foundation of every marriage. ;) Max is incredibly smart and SUPER feisty, but we love him nonetheless!
  • Jordan endured his two weeks of law school finals. He was literally out the door by 7:30am and usually wasn't home until 10:30pm for the two weeks before finals and during finals. Let's just say we are BOTH glad he's done!
  • I had multiple family photo shoots in December as well as my first company Holiday Party shoot -- lots of fun! I also finally got my Flat 4 Photography website up.
  • We celebrated our 3rd anniversary! We went out to dinner at the Sho Gun restaurant (which I would highly recommend!), got my favorite dessert at the Mustard Seed, and then came home to watch our wedding video, drink some champagne, and sit in the hot tub. Overall a great night... and an even better 3 years! :)
  • Our good friend, Marc Grow (Nicole's boyfriend), moved in with us! Even though it's a full house, Marc is a great roommate and he deals with our craziness really well. :)
  • We got to spend a lot of time with our families during Christmas, which was awesome, as always. My parents got us tickets to the Gonzaga vs. Oklahoma basketball game on New Year's Eve and we had a BLAST at the game -- oh, and did I mention we got to see a player break the backboard in real life?! :) Pretty sweet!
Unfortunately, I have been horrible about taking pictures of our lives lately. That is one of my million resolutions for 2010, to get more pictures of us instead of just everyone else. :)

With that said, I did manage to get some shots of our "kids." :) Honestly, I take more pictures of our dogs than anything else... I realize I am "that person" who shoves pictures of their dogs in peoples' faces and expects them to think they're the cutest dogs they've ever seen. Sorry about that, but it's probably not changing anytime soon. :)

Look how much Max has grown! Here are Maggie and Max in their Christmas sweaters... haha! They were both pissed at me the whole time I was taking these. Seriously, how annoyed does Maggie look?!

The rest of these pictures were taken with my iPhone, so forgive the poor quality. I forgot to mention that my Mom got our family a ping pong table for Christmas -- totally random, but so much fun! We have already had a few intense ping pong tournaments in the garage...

Maggie and Max LOVE going over to grandma and grandpa's house! I love this picture because it gives you a good size comparison of the two pups. Max is now about 12 weeks old and about 7 pounds (he was 5 1/2 weeks old when we got him and 3 pounds!)

I got to see a few of my best friends from high school when they were home for Christmas. My friend, Adriane, discovered that Max has an outrageous amount of loose skin that he needs to grow into! By the way, I promise this didn't hurt him. He didn't even make a peep! Truthfully, I think he has so much skin that he didn't even feel it! :)

We were SO LAZY on New Year's Day. We had good friends over for brunch (waffles and mimosas, yummm!) and then just laid around and watched football all day in our pajamas. I think we really needed a day like that after our crazy couple months!

As you can tell, our lives have been consumed by our dogs, law school, photography stuff, and the holidays. Totally glamorous, I know. Try not to be jealous. ;)

As hard as it is to say goodbye to our amazing 2009, I think I am ready for a new year and new adventures. Nothing seems to compare to living in London, traveling around Europe, and skydiving, but I'm sure we'll think of something... :)


Carey Guhlke-Falk said...

Even to me it feels like you guys just got back from London! It sounds like you had a monumental year that you'll never forget! By the way- I've had so many compliments on the pictures from our Christmas card. Thank you again for taking those! I just blew up and framed the one of Jackson and me on the bridge- even though the little stinker wasn't smiling at all that day... We love you! Let's do lunch soon.

Amy Hook said...

Whit- I just spent time looking at your new website and it's awesome!! Good for you for totally going for it! You've been so successful already...and it's just the beginning. You have had such a busy few months. I'm glad you were able to enjoy a bit of a break over the holidays:).

McMurrays said...

WOW. . love your voice in your writing it is like we are sitting at coffee! I've said it a million times but I am just so proud of you for following your dream!

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