Up first on the catch-up list is Kevin and Kaitlyn's engagement session up on Green Bluff. Jordan and I met Kevin a few summers ago when we all worked at Beacon Hill together, and to make a long story short, Jordan and Kevin have what I like to call a bro-mance. :) Seriously, these two could talk investment opportunities and real estate all day long. And not to mention that Kevin is just one of those all-around good guys... who met one of those all-around good girls, named Kaitlyn!

This couple is so sweet, so fun, and just down to earth... oh, and smokin' hot! But best of all? They are so obviously in love. There is actually a series of three pictures you'll see (the ones where Kaitlyn is wrapped in my brown blanket by the wood crates) that I simply couldn't choose between because I loved them all. There are times as a photographer where you witness an expression or look between a couple that make you stop and realize that you're a part of something really cool...
With that said, here are some Flat 4 favorites of Kevin and Kaitlyn!

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