We have had one of those weeks where things just seem to be falling into place...
First and foremost, JORDAN PASSED THE BAR EXAM!!!!!!! I truly could not be prouder of him! Not only did he pass on his first try, but he was also working part-time while he studied and working every one of our Photo Booth events to boot. What a STUD!!! This is such a huge weight lifted off his shoulders (and mine!) and it is just such a relief to know he won't have to go through that again!!
I wanted to take a picture of him holding up the letter he got in the mail telling him he passed, but he wasn't too fond of that idea. So here is Plan B for a photo (taken with my iPhone up at the property)... doesn't this look like a victory pose?! :)
Okay, you probably noticed, I'm stalling. I haven't told you the kind of car it is. Before you read the next line, you have to promise you'll still be our friend...
We got another Xterra. Bahahahahaaa!! I told you this wasn't planned and it was such a good deal and we love my Xterra... okay... I know, we're lame for both driving the same car. His is a 2003 and mine is a 2004. His is black and mine is silver. So they ARE a little different!
Maybe the "Tampien Tandem" thing is getting a little out of hand... ;)
The last piece of good news might be the best news of all... we FINALLY get to go on a vacation! We are in desperate need of a break, not to mention a vacation. I was thinking about it today, and we literally have not had a break since summer started and we haven't taken a vacation since summer of 2009. It might sound like I'm complaining... okay, I'm not gonna lie, I am. :)
Our vacation plans are as follows:
We fly from Spokane to Atlanta on Friday where we'll stay with my best friend since pre-school, Bekah! She just got engaged and her and Matt (her fiance) offered to pay for my flight down there to shoot their engagement pictures... um, YES PLEASE!! I am so stoked to see her and Atlanta -- I haven't seen her since before we went to London, which was about two years ago! Way too long!!
We get to hang out in Atlanta until Sunday night when we will fly to South Padre Island off the coast of Texas. Random? Yes. I had never even heard of South Padre Island until Jordan came home a couple months ago with the great news that one of his co-workers owns a condo there a block from the beach and offered to let us stay there for free... umm, YES PLEASE!!! So we will be doing a lot of nothing in 80-degree weather until Saturday night when we fly back to Spokane.
Ummm... YES PLEASE!!!!!
And perhaps best of all, I will FINALLY have something to post about that will include pictures of Jordan and I. ;) Wooohoooo!!!
enjoy every minute!!!
Have a FABULOUS Trip, you've (more than) earned it:)
#1. Way to go, Jordan! That is a huge accomplishment (and relief). I will never forget Jonathan studying/waiting for results from his PT exam. Not a fun time...but now it's over forever! Yeah for you guys.
#2. You were due up for a vacation. What a treat to see Bekah & have a relaxing time in Texas (is it Texas?). Can't wait to see pictures.
yeah!!! you both deserve an amazing vacay!!! give bekah a huge hug! have fun!
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