I've never understood people who brag about how busy they are. To be honest, I think being really busy is completely overrated. Sure, there are people who will claim they "love being busy" or who "can't sit still" if they don't always have something going.
I am not one of those people. My schedule, however, seems to think otherwise.
There are no pictures in this post for two reasons: 1) I have about two million pictures of other people's weddings/seniors/families, but I don't have one picture of Jordan and I or anything pertaining to our summer. 2) If I did have pictures of Jordan, they would be of him hunched over a desk at the GU Law Library or working a Photo Booth event; and if there were pictures of me, I would have a camera or a laptop in my face. Let's be honest, no one wants to see that!
Side note: Jordan is finally done with the Bar Exam! He'll find out his results towards the end of October.
Side note #2: We thought him being done with the Bar would give us a little more time in our schedule. We were wrong.
Saying that this summer has been busy for us is the understatement of the century. I could go into every single reason why I've only been in a swimsuit less than a handful of times this summer, but I don't want to be mistaken as one of those people who brags about their scheduled life. And besides, I'm not proud of it.
I guess the reason for this post was more to explain why we've been MIA this entire summer and will continue to be for what's left of it. It's a sad thing when it's the middle of July and you look at your husband and your calendar, and the three of you decide to chalk this summer up as a loss as far as fun summer things go. As much as we're thrilled and feel so blessed that photography and the Photo Booth are both doing really well, it's just a blessing and a curse.
With that said, there are definitely some positive, learning experiences I have gained from this summer...
- I am more capable than I thought I was in terms of working hard while being exhausted 95% of the time, rising to the occasion when more often than not I feel like I'm way out of my league, and somehow just making things happen.
- I am not as afraid as I used to be to ask for help. I've needed it numerous times and so many people have come to my rescue. First and foremost, my amazing husband.
- I have learned to appreciate things more. Being able to spend quality time up at our lake cabin in the summer has always been a given for me -- I've always known I'm so lucky to have it -- but when you can only go a couple times in the summer, it makes you appreciate that time so much more and really cherish it.
- There are certain things I need in my life that no matter how busy I get, I am not willing to negotiate on. Essentially, life is all about priorities.
- No matter how hard I think my life is right now, there is always someone's life who is much harder.
So there is our life right now in a nutshell. In other words, please forgive us if we've seemed flaky or distant lately. Or if you've driven by our house and seen our really beautiful yellow lawn that we are just now starting to water. Or, my personal favorite, if we stink. I'm pretty sure Jordan and I have both chosen extra minutes of sleep over showers a few times. In fact, if you Google "running around like a chicken with your head cut off," I'm pretty sure my picture comes up.
It's an odd season of life for us, but I know we'll get through it. Hopefully alive and with our sanity. :)