I don't have kids (or much of a life, for that matter), so I do blog posts on my dogs. Dog blogs, if you will. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)
I realize these posts are more for myself and that most people probably care about what's going on in the lives of Maggie and Max as much as they care about water buffalo in Africa. No, I am not clever enough to come up with "water buffalo in Africa" -- I got it from my new favorite website which honestly makes me laugh so hard that snot comes out of my nose. If you want snot to come out of your nose while laughing like a complete idiot, check out www.theoatmeal.com.
Most of you know we have two dogs, Maggie and Max. Let me start by saying that I love both of these dogs. Equally... most of the time. ;) Maggie is our sweet, social dog who we honestly didn't train but she does what we tell her to do about 99% of the time. I swear she has human characteristics and intuition (Jordan hates it when I say that), but I think it's true! For instance, yesterday I was having a crappy day and I got home and laid down on my bed to give myself a minute to regroup; well, Maggie jumped up on the bed and just laid her head on my stomach very calmly and started licking my hand.
And then there's Max...
Max is 100% puppy and 100% BOY! While Maggie was laying on the bed with me, Max was trying to bite her. And me. He is so feisty and even though we've had a rougher time training him, he does keep life interesting! He is too smart for his own good and KNOWS what he's supposed to do, but he has a mind of his own and doesn't always DECIDE to do the right thing. :)
The best part of having two dogs so far has been the fact that they play together all the time, and it's absolutely hilarious to watch! I saved the video from the first night we brought Max home (the first video below.) You'll notice first of all how tiny and timid Max is and how sweet Maggie was with him the first time we introduced them to each other...
So sweet, right?! Well, the title of this post is Then and Now for a reason. :) Like I said, Max is now a feisty, spastic, independent puppy who thinks he owns everything and everyone around him (including the video camera.) And Maggie pummels him most of the time. And we laugh because it's hilarious...
Notice the difference between the two videos?! Yeah, that is my life.
And as much as I laugh at it, I love it. :)