Thursday, September 10, 2009

Big news!

No, I'm not pregnant. :)

I had a big life epiphany this weekend...

I officially decided I am not going to go back to school for my Masters in Teaching. [Insert big sigh of relief here.] At least not any time soon. So, in lieu of that, I am going to start my own photography business. 

Okay, you might be thinking I'm nuts, and to be honest, I might agree with you. But honestly, I really, truly feel like this is what I'm supposed to be doing. For the first time in a long time, I am making a big decision based on what I'm passionate and excited about rather than what I think is practical. This is a huge leap of faith for me.

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. And I know I can always go back to school if I decide that's a better option down the road. 

I know starting my own photography business is going to be a long building process and I won't be able to just do photography for a few years, but I'm okay with that. I'm excited about that! I have already started building my portfolio, researching how to start a business, and... I even have a name. :)

Stay tuned for the big name reveal! I have a few things to work out before I tell everyone. But I promise I will soon!

With all that said, I am going to primarily focus on taking pictures of families, babies, seniors, pregnancy, engagements, weddings, and pretty much anything else people want. So... if you're needing any of those types of pictures taken or know someone who does, PLEASE LET ME KNOW or give them my contact information! I need all the practice I can get at this point. :)

I recently did some family photos for Jordan's brother, Joel, his wife, Julie, and their adorable little boy (my nephew), Beau. Here is a sneak peek of some of my favorites...

I will probably be posting more samples on the blog until I get my own photography website going. I would LOVE any feedback, ideas, and/or advice you might have! Also, if you have any links to great photographer's websites or any great online wedding albums of your friends, I would absolutely love it if you could email them to me! I am convinced that this is the best way to get creative ideas. :) My email address is:

Here's to a big new chapter in my life! Woohooo!!

P.S. Does anyone know someone who knows how to make Flash websites and doesn't charge more than my house is worth?! ;)


Anonymous said...

You just scared the tar out of me. All i saw was BIG NEWS and then I saw the word pregnant. And I was so happy the Tambiens were bringing a cherub to this world...not yet I guess. :) So excited for your photography. You are so talented! Congrats.


mmsnyder said...

Whit... SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Katie Fuller's older sister- Keri Doolittle- started out the same as you a few years ago and her business has gotten HUGE! Im sure she would LOVE to answer any questions about getting started up or whatever. Her blog is:

She is GREAT and her contact info is on her blog if you're interested! I couldn't be happier for you and if I hear that anyone needs pics done... I will OF COURSE refer them to YOU!

Proud of you! Love you!

Amy Hook said...

Good for you, Whit! You are so talented...I absolutely love your pictures! If you ever need a family or a little girl to take pictures of for your portfolio, let me know:).

P.S. I have to admit, when I saw the "big news" too, I thought...maybe they are prego. Then I laughed out loud when I read your first line. Ha!

Pat and Patty said...

"Well Bust my Buttons" Couldn't be more proud of you!! It's you ~ It's perfect.

Don't forget to put animals in the mix ;) and of course commercial work and your famous Art photography!!!

The sky is the limit babe soooooooo glad you are going for it!!!


T said...

Congrats Whitney, this is such a great idea and you will do amazing at it.

Great timing because I was just talking to Megan about some pics I want taken and asked if she thought you would do it.

Also I found this great website where (i think) you can upload pics and people can buy them. I just bought a couple for decorating some rooms in my house. Not positive how it all works but if you want to look into it the website is

Sorry for the novel, let me know if you are interested in taking some pics for me and I will fill you in on my idea.

Congrats again that is so exciting and I know you will take off, your photos are so great!

Mandy Bossard :0) said...

I am so happy for you Whit. You are such an inspiration! Just keep following your dreams. Also, I had a great idea. You could have a baby and take pictures of it. YAY! Seems like something your readers would support! I miss you! Tell Jordan hi!

Lindsay said...

Hi Whitney - I don't think we've chatted since High School, but I love reading your blog and just had to post :) I have a friend who started a photography business almost 2 years ago in Seattle and LOVES her job. Here's a link to her blog so you can check out her work
She's amazing, good luck with everything!

Lindsay (Patterson) Weber

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