Sunday, August 16, 2009

Living with Boys

Most of you may not know this, but I am living with two boys right now. Okay, my bad, two "men." Jordan always corrects me when I refer to him as a "boy." :)

One of our best friends, Josh, who lived at our house while we were in London, has been living with us for the past month since he got back from working in Alaska. Honestly, it has been really great having him -- he's really tidy and helpful around the house. And not to mention we all have a blast together!

But I have noticed a few funny things having two guys around all the time...

First of all, Maggie loves Josh. Seriously LOVES him! I think I am still her favorite, but Josh is definitely giving me a run for my money!!

(Excuse the poor quality of all of these pictures -- I took them with my iPhone.)

How cute is this?! Totally cuddling...

Another lesson I recently learned the hard way: don't let the "men" go grocery shopping together without me. I came home to cereal, Gogurts (which, sorry, totally weird me out), beer, and enough eggs to feed a small country!

Lastly, our date nights have developed more of a masculine theme. :) Jordan (and Josh) took me to a Spokane Shock game last night, which was super fun! I'm not going to lie though, I have never seen more mullets and glasses of beer under one roof. Classic Spokane. :)

I really can't complain though. If anything, Josh is probably the one complaining -- I am not always the easiest person to live with. It's easy when you're married for a couple years to forget your little quirks and things you do a certain way, but when you throw another person in the mix they ALL come out!


Pat and Patty said...

Josh and Maggie are totally spooning...uhmmmm?

McMurrays said...

proud of you for going to a shock game! Why do boys like eggs so much! Aaron buys so many eggs.
Miss you. .

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