Monday, August 10, 2009


My name is Whitney, and I'm a cupcake-aholic.

I'm not quite sure how this happened, but I have been totally into baking this summer -- mostly cupcakes, with the occasional loaf of banana bread or batch of brownies. I literally make up excuses to do it -- it's so-and-so's birthday? it's storming outside? it's Friday? Better make some cupcakes!!!

Reasons I'm addicted:

1. I have the cookbook for the best cupcakes EVER from the Hummingbird Bakery we found in Notting Hill. Jordan and I asked each other the "what would you take if our house was on fire and you could only save one thing besides Maggie" question, and I kid you not, this book made my top 2.

2. The way the cupcakes make our house smell like heaven when I pull them out of the oven.

3. Eating the batter, and the frosting. Duh.

4. Accessorizing the cupcakes with different colored frosting and fun sprinkles. So much fun, and SO CUTE!

Although mine never look nearly as cute and perfect as the cupcakes pictured in the book, they usually still taste good!

I'm currently looking for a twelve-step class to attend, so let me know if you know of any Cupcake-aholics meetings in Spokane. :)

P.S. I stumbled across a website called where I edited these pictures -- it's super fun and free!


Pat and Patty said...

You are amazingly fun!

jonesfamily said...

Those look so yummy! And I must say Belle came and sat on my lap when I was looking at your post and her bday was Tuesday so I think she thought the cupcakes were for her and pretended to eat them off the computer. And thanks for the colormehouse suggestion...that is really cute. I am ALWAYS looking for new ideas that my girls can do while I am laying on the couch! (if someone reads this comment they may ask you who the lazy mom is!) So if you see anything else, keep telling me! Hope you are doing well.

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