Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sea Town

I think for the most part, I am a pretty simple person. The little things in life -- think Zac Brown Band's Chicken Fried -- leave me pretty darn content. But I have to admit, there is something completely alluring about a big city that seriously quenches my soul...
 I think it's the sensory overload that gets me. The frenetic sounds of organized chaos, the smell of the exhaust from buses and the subways, constantly being surrounded by the rush of hundreds of people you will never see again... Sometimes I think I was supposed to live smack dab in the middle of all of that in another life. It's not every day, but sometimes I ache for that energy and excitement of a big city.

At least a couple times a year, Jord and I make a road trip to Seattle to get our fix. Do not ask me how it happens, but we always seem to pick the perfect sunny weekend to end up in Sea Town (which, let's be honest, is not a common occurrence considering the city is cloudy 226 days a year!) I had scheduled two engagement shoots in Seattle for the same weekend, so we decided to each take a day off work and make a long weekend of it.
 I can pretty much sum up our whole trip in five words: shopping, friends, family, sun, and photography. We got to spend time with so many people we love and it was exactly what we needed. And yes, Urban Outfitters does fit in to my category of "people we love" even though it's not a person. Don't judge. ;)
 Okay, so one of my goals (besides not getting kicked out of Anthropologie for asking to live there) was to take pictures of us and our friends. I think I got about a C- in that department. So if you're not pictured and we saw you over the weekend in Seattle, please don't take it personally. Just blame it on my lack of memory and effort to pull out my big camera and make you pose for a picture -- yes, I realize I'm a photographer and this should come naturally. I have no witty comment or explanation for why this doesn't happen.

One of my favorite things to do in Seattle is to walk around Pike's Place Market, even if I don't buy anything. I don't feel like my Seattle trips are complete unless I've walked through the Market from start to finish, usually with a Starbucks drink in hand. Only this time, we decided to stop at a little outdoor cafe overlooking the water after our market trip; just me, my love, cold beers, some appetizers, and the sunshine. Now that, my friends, is perfection.
 On our last day in Sea Town, we did a morning engagement shoot on a ferry to BainBridge Island -- how fun is that?! The weather was gorgeous, the couple was smokin' hot and super fun, and we got to explore Bainbridge Island, which is the cutest little marine town you've ever seen. Oh, and we ate the most scrumptious French Toast which was actually voted the Best French Toast in the Northwest by Rachel Ray. Try not to be jealous...
 Thank you, Seattle, for completely fulfilling your role and big city void in my life. You were good to us and we will be back again soon.


Holly Ridings said...

and I so happy I got to see you!!!
Thank you so much for coming over and scheduling us :)

Nicole said...

you are a beautiful writer. a beautiful photographer. and flat out beautiful. i love this post.

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