Sunday, July 19, 2009

Downtown Dog Date

My sister and I have been doing a takeout-food-and-dog-walking date every week or so, which has been so much fun! This week I brought my camera along to snap some pics...

First of all, of course, the food! One of our all-time favorites is the raspberry poppyseed salad from Tomato Street -- it is FANTASTIC!! The best part is, I recently discovered that they actually sell the raspberry poppy salad dressing at Tomato Street so you can make it yourself. The ingredients are: Romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, sliced strawberries, feta cheese crumbles, dried cranberries, candied walnuts, and the dressing, of course. I highly recommend it as a great summer salad!

I absolutely adore this picture of Maggie, up close and personal. :)

And Lindsay's little Yorkie, named Reece! My dog-nephew... isn't he a cutie?!

We've been walking downtown, near Lindsay's loft, on the Centennial Trail along the river. It's such a beautiful trail!

Stopping for a water break!

I love walking down this trail because it reminds me that Spokane can actually be really beautiful...

Auntie Lindsay walking both dogs while I took pictures...

Me and Mags smiling for the camera. :) I love this little dog way too much...

Lindsay and Reece -- notice his tongue all the way past his nose! He's always licking, just like Maggie...

Downtown Spokane with a gorgeous evening sky. We really need to give this city more credit sometimes...

Towards the end of our walk, the dogs started to get riled up and we looked ahead and saw all these HUGE ducks (are they ducks?!) crossing the street right by C.I. Shenanigans Restaurant. Despite the fact that they were hissing at the dogs, it actually turned into a pretty picture.


Pat and Patty said...

Loves - 4 of my favorite people in the world!!!

Lindsay Murphy said...

Yay for our dog walking dates and of course for the raspberry poppy-seed salad! Only the best thing ever:) Thanks for leaving the Bagel at the lake today...I'm hoping it was just the trick to get Reece to sleep for more than 4.5 seconds. We'll see...

McMurrays said...

so cute!! I just bought that dressing! We are so on the same page! Love you! Tell linds that she needs to make that her profile pic - her and reece and the tongue - it is such a darling picture.

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