I have been absolutely TERRIBLE about taking pictures the last few days. Great way to start a post, huh? You're probably exiting out of our blog right about now...
We had a really fun last day with Josh and Johanna on Friday, during which I made the mistake of giving my camera to Jordan. :) Let me explain... Johanna and I decided to sleep in and do some shopping, while Jordan met up with Josh after class and hit up some museums they both wanted to see. So in my half-asleep-half-awake mode, I told Jordan to take the camera with him, which translates to "no pictures for the day." Jo and I shopped 'til we dropped, then headed to Harrods for High Tea. One of my biggest regrets from my last trip to London was not ever going to High Tea, and so we made a full girl's afternoon out of it! Since I don't have any pictures (which is a travesty since I LOVE taking pictures of food...), I'll try to do my best to explain it in words. Basically, High Tea is an English tradition of having tea usually between 2:30 and 5 in the afternoon, and it has turned into an elegant event. It is set in a very formal room, although the one we went to allowed us to dress casually -- the room reminded me of a formal room at The Davenport Hotel in Spokane. You get to choose the kind of tea you want, and then they bring out a three-tiered tray of tiny little sandwiches, scones with clotted cream butter (this was heavenly!) and jams, and then of course little gourmet desserts on top. The best part is, you can get refills of all of it! :) It was such a neat experience, and I promise I will go again and get pictures next time! We met up with the boys afterwards to see a play called We Will Rock You, which was a futuristic story-line set to music by the band Queen (similar to how Mamma Mia uses songs by Abba.) If you like Queen, you would have loved it! Anyway, it was different, but VERY entertaining, and we all really enjoyed it.
The next morning Josh and Johanna flew home, and we met up with some people from Jordan's class to go to the Borough Market, which is basically a big food market lining the streets and alleys near the London Bridge that takes place every weekend. Picture Spokane's Pig Out in the Park event, but with fresher and more authentic foods, most of which are meant to take home rather than eat there, although there are some great booths to eat at. Needless to say, I was in heaven. It's funny because Jordan's all-time favorite thing in Spokane is Hoopfest, and mine is Pig Out in the Park. :) I'm not quite sure what this says about me? Anyway, the market consisted of specialty breads, jams, cheeses, fruits & veggies, meats, and so much more! This is the only picture I got, but don't worry, we will be frequenting this market, so there are bound to be more pictures of it soon. Just so you know, that really is a pyramid of BROWNIES you are looking at. Let's just say I contemplated making Jordan create a diversion so I could run away with it...
Jordan's latest big find has been this outdoor basketball court near our house. He has been DYING to play some basketball, so this was a big event! And the weather here has been wonderful, usually in the low 50s, which is totally doable for us. I walked over there with him today and managed to get a few pictures of him in action (he lured me in when he said there was a Starbucks on the way...)
We don't just love you for your photos...Thanks for the updates - thanks for not getting arrested in London stealing brownies...I would like to think I taught you well :).
Tell Jord good follow through on the shot ;) hope it went in. You guys need to start studying up on the NCAAs coming up soon.
Love you
I totally agree with you about the pyramids in heaven!
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