Four years ago today I married the coolest human I know. He also happens to be the sexiest, funniest, craziest, most patient, hardest working, most fun, down-to-earth guy out there.

These are definitely not our best wedding photos, but I like them anyway. And it was easier to post these than dig through our wedding photo disc that is still somehow not on my computer. I know, it's weird, seeing as I am a photographer and all... ;)
We are going to a little wine bar that we've been wanting to try out tonight for dinner and then we're headed out to the Coeur d'Alene Resort tomorrow to stay the night and have dinner at Beverly's! I'll be honest, we are doing a Photo Booth event for a company holiday party at the resort on Saturday night and the company offered to let us take advantage of their corporate room rate -- the rates were just too good to pass up! So we decided to make the most of it. :) We have always been more into doing a nice dinner and evening rather than getting each other gifts for our anniversary.
Jordan and I constantly talk about how many big things we have been able to do together in the last 4 years of our marriage...
YEAR 1: Bought our first house! Didn't kill each other within the first four months. ;) Got Maggie! Jordan started law school at GU.
YEAR 2: Hmmmmm... okay, maybe this wasn't a big year. We did work a TON to save up for London. :)
YEAR 3: Lived in London and traveled around Europe for 5 months! Went skydiving! Started our photography business. Got Max!
YEAR 4: Got the Photo Booth and grew our business into something! Bought our 10-acre property in Chattaroy! Didn't kill Max. ;) Jordan graduated law school AND passed the Bar Exam!
The funny part is, four years seems like a long time but doesn't seem very long all at the same time. As cheesy at it sounds, I love Jordan so much more now than I did when we got married. Without a doubt. I look forward to going home from work even when we have absolutely nothing to do that night. I love that he will let me rant and rave about things that fire me up and still love me at the end of the day. I feel blessed to have a husband who will help cook dinner, not care what I spend on clothes or coffee (which, really, is not very much), and is intentional in our marriage. After four years, I can honestly say I am more happy now than I've ever been. And the crazy part? I only see it getting better...