I have been bitter lately. And I know I shouldn't be. Okay, maybe "bitter" isn't the best word to use, but given the 8 inches of snow and subzero temperatures we've had this week, it just seemed appropriate. Ever since we got back from our vacation at the beginning of the month, an overwhelming amount of things just haven't gone our way... I know that's life, but sometimes it gets hard to focus on the positive things after taking so many hits in a row.
But it's Thanksgiving tomorrow, and I know I have way too many things to be thankful for. And even after all the hits and downers, at the end of the day I am still blessed beyond belief.

I love this picture. My mom took it at the lake a couple years ago and it is just so peaceful, beautiful, and authentically serene. I wanted to add it to this blog post because I am currently in a "I hate snow and want to move somewhere warm" mode... but this picture is perfect despite the snow; well, it's actually perfect because of the snow.
It makes me think of how I should be looking at things, even if those things seem negative in the moment.
I know it's cliché, but I wanted to make a list of all the things I am thankful for. It's really more for me than anyone else; I realize that. Without fail, every time I sit down and really think of everything I'm thankful for, the list goes on and on and I usually choke up at some point.
So here is the short version, off-the-top-of-my-head list. Of course I'm eternally grateful for my friends and family, so just assume that is always at the top of my list...
~ I am thankful to have a job in this economy that has so many incredible benefits. Being able to work with my Dad, having our health insurance paid for, and not getting fired when I'm late are just a few that come to mind... :)
~ I am thankful that both of our cars have 4-wheel drive! I love feeling safe when I'm on the road in this crazy weather.
~ I am thankful that Jordan doesn't think it's gross when I eat half of a pan of Rice Krispie treats in one night... and that he's sitting next to me finishing the other half. ;)
~ I am thankful that Max seems to be getting over the "chewing couches and peeing indoors" phase.
~ I am thankful that I get to spend the holidays (and every day, really) with my husband and my family. I know not everyone is so lucky.
~ I am thankful for our little house and to have a warm place to go home to. We rag on it sometimes and laugh at how small it is, but it's ours. And I love the home we've created there.
~ I am thankful for our hot tub. It might sound superficial, but we honestly sit in it almost every night and there's nothing better than getting warmed up before going to bed and spending some quality time with my hubby without interruptions.
~ I am thankful that my migraines seem to be slightly fewer and farther between lately.
~ I am thankful that my husband doesn't care that I go to Starbucks for a latte pretty much every morning and spend way more money than a 16 oz. beverage should ever cost.
~ I am thankful for all the amazing, big things we've been able to do in the short time we've been married. (Coming up on 4 years!)
I really could go on and on; big things and small things alike. I really don't know what I've done to deserve the life I've been given. But I am thankful, nonetheless.